Ref. rjbs
Ricardo Signes has made a great effort to provide similar information.
His proposals focus more on creating a dedicated protocol, rather
than define the general algorithms. Much of this document resembles
his points of view.
Some divergencies are:
- implicitly we stick to terse notification, only absolutely necesary
metadata should be transmitted in a notification message. We do not
prohibit verbose notification either.
- Ricardos Mailing lists send actively notification messages to the
subscribers upon receiving a post. We allow this scenario, but rather
propose that a "scan"-operation has to be performed on the archive,
to generate notification messages.
- Ricardo is more specific about possible operations of the Recipient
on the Mail Storage - this is a flaw in our document.
- Mail addresses are shown to be user-domain compounds
in Ricardos example. We introduce the Directory as an independent
component of the Mail infrastructure. While "old" Email-addresses
should still be recognized and deliverable via Gateways, we want to
break principally the dependence of an Email user and a host.
- Encryption of the delivered message on the wire is not possible in
all cases, mostly because of legal issues in some countries. We do
explicitely not enforce it, while providing the means to do it (Ricardo
does not make an explicit statement about this matter either, but
assumes encryption in his example).
There are some terms Ricardo defines, we translate them here to plain
english and try to give an asociation to our proposal:
- Internet Message Transfer Protocol. This is used to post
a message to the Mail Storage Server. Ricardo means to edit a Message
with "your favorite text editor" and then usa a mua programm
to copy the message via IMTP over to the Mail Storage Server. Ricardos
IMTP is similar to SMTP.
- Internet Message Managment Protocol. Not specified by Ricardo,
but meant to tackle outgoing queue managment. Delivery problems are
managed by the posting process (IMTP). This does well on SMTP, because
from that point on you really don't have any guarantee about what
will happen with the message. Eventually you get a bounce. Although
not explicitely discussed here, we think that a user with posting
rights on a Mail Storage Server also has some management to do. Undeliverability,
forgery attempts, download statistics, etc. can be made available
to the sender. On the other hand we foresee, that a user can withdraw
or modify a message after posting, or post a followup chained to an
already posted message.
This are implications to the im2000 concept that the messages is queued
on the sender side and requires more thought.
- Internet Mail Notification Protocol. A Mail Storage Server connects
to a WYWOP server to send notification messages about new posts.
- Internet Mail Retrieval Protocol (?). A mail user who gets a
notification about a new messages lets a mua connect to the Mail Storage
Server to retrieve that message.
- While You Were Out Protocol. Corresponds to our notify server,
who receives the notification messages issued by a Mail Storage Server.
A Mail User eventually connects to the WYWOP-Server to learn about
available messages.
Georg Lehner - homepage