Although I am not of the opinion, that there should be much effort
in making gateways to traditional Email this implementation makes
heavy use of it.
Qmail has very powerful features, which lends it to the implementation
- a preliminary notification mecanism for im2000
- a posting and store mecanism for im2000 messages, described here.
The first feature used is the extension mecanism, which allows to
diferentiate messages to one "account" by extending the accountname
with a dash and a token. If an account name is for emaple im2000,
messages to im2000-token are also (potentially) delivered
to im2000.
The second feature is the dot-qmail delivery mecanism. Messages to
im2000 are delivered acording to instructions an the file .qmail
in the home directorio of im2000. Messages to im2000-token
are delivered according to .qmail-token. This mecanism is recursive:
.qmail-token1-token2 handles im2000-token1-token2.
There is a catch-all mecanism: .qmail-token1-default handles im2000-token1-anything_else,
and .qmail-default handles im2000-anything_else. Inside of
.qmail files, messages can be forwarded, stored and passed over to
While this implementation uses a specific im2000 account, it
should be trivial to use:
- a per user -im2000- extension mecanism. Any user account user
can install a user-im2000 message store server and even multiple
user-virtual-im2000 servers.
- Host an arbitrary amount of im2000 message store servers on an ISP
by creating one account for each server (which is actually the same
as 1.)
This implementation uses the home directory of an account named im2000
to store "outgoing" im2000 messages. When a client wants to
create a Message Thread it sends a traditional Email to im2000nt.
The "server" creates a uniquely named Maildir and sends a tradition
Email reply to the client, containing the Message Thread ID composed
of the name of the Maildir and other information.
To add a message, the client sends a traditional Email to im2000-add-sequence.
This message contains in the Subject: line the Message Thread ID.
The body is the message, eventually mime encoded. Only the first part
of the body is taken into account in a multi-part mime message. The
recipient identifiers are coded into aditional header lines denoted
with X-im2000-recipient-identifier: There is no asumption made about
the contents of this field. The server sends an Email reply to the
client, with the complete message ID in the Subject: line.
To indicate end of a message block, the client sends a Email to im2000-eb,
with the Message Thread ID in the subject.
Anybody from anywhere would be allowed to post messages, to im2000
on a open posting mailing list server. Of course, traditional RBL
mecanisms, antispam-filtering etc. would of course be apliable.
Other aproach would be to disable complete remote incoming mail (qmail-smtp).
Only local clients could post messages. This corresponds to a normal
workstation operation. The collection mecanism could not rely on a
similar implementation then.
TMDA - Tagged Message Delivery Agent seems an ideal solution for a
"Right Now" public im2000 Email service provider setup. With
Qmail, TMDA uses the same dot-qmail mecanism as posting does and they
could be combined easily. Each local client of the ISP would be whitelisted
inside the im2000 accounts tmda setup - remote colectors would
have to autenticate via dated or user Sender Address tags, anything
else would be blacklisted. Also notification and message collection
could (easily?) be implemented via a similar mecanism, using TMDA
for remote user and notify/collect message identification and autentication.
- im2000-nt@host
- or
- .qmail-nt
- im2000-virtual-nt
- or
- .qmail-virtual-nt
- implements the
- new_thread
- function
- A client wanting to create a Message Thread sends a traditional Email
to im2000nt.
- [optional] The server checks, if the sender of the email is allowed
to create a thread, and if there is room to do it. If any of this
conditions fails, an empty reply is sent to the client.
- The `"server`" spools the message in a directory named
threads using safecat, tmp is used as a temporary directory
for the spoolin. This way, automátically a unique name for the Message
Thread is created by the name of the file where the im2000-nt message
is spooled. safecat tells the name of the Thread on stdout.
- [optional] The Message Thread ID is enriched with cryptographic
hashes, challenges, etc, involving the im2000-nt message, it's senders
identity, secrets, etc. Also a message body may be generated. It may
be necesary to include credentials of the server, to autentify itself
to the client.
- The "server" composes a Reply Mail with the Message Thread ID
in the subject line.
| THREAD=$(/usr/local/bin/safecat tmp threads); \
/usr/bin/maildirmake $THREAD ; \
echo $MESSAGE | mail -s `"$THREAD`" $SENDER
# 1) tmda processing here
# not done
# 2) and here, is there room for messages?
# not done
# 3) create the threadID
# | THREAD=$(/usr/local/bin/safecat tmp threads); \
# /usr/bin/maildirmake $THREAD ; \
# 4) autenticate and secure the reply
# not done
# 5)
# echo $MESSAGE | mail -s `"$THREAD`" $SENDER
- In 4) no check of safecat and maildirmake exit status is made at all.
man safecat mentions means to use it in a secure way in shell scripts
- any volunteers to rewrite this piece of code accordingly?
- Is $SENDER or $RPLINE - the Return-Path - the right thing to reply
- CLIENTEXT was ment to be used for construting the Reply address somehow
like: NAME-EXT@HOST to allow the qmail-extension mecanism work for
us on the client side.
- in 5) mail should be replaced by qmail-inject, I think. Or better,
something like qreceipt should be rewritten. It would be nice, if
we reused the MessageID field of the original mail, so that the client
has an easier job to keep track.
- Efficiency considerations have to be done, especially with respect
to the home directory filling up with Maildir's. Normal unix filesystems
slow down significantly directory lookup with lots of directory entries.
Eventually a Btree Hierarchy should be created, but then, on the other
hand this is only an experimental testbed implementation which should
not be considered a model for real implementations - so with bother
too much.
- im2000-am-sequence
- or
- .qmail-am-default
- and a symbolic linkt to it
- .qmail-am
- implement the
- add_message
- function
- The client sends a traditional Email to im2000-add-sequence.
This message contains in the Subject: line the Message Thread ID.
The body is the message, eventually mime encoded.
- [optional] The server checks, if the sender of the email is allowed
to add messages, to add them to this thread, and if there is room
to do it. If any of this conditions fails, an empty reply is sent
to the client.
- The server extracts the Message Thread ID and delivers the Email to
the Maildir with the same name via savecat, so the Message ID can
be retrieved. (free space?)
- The server moves the message to Maildir/cur, appending ":3,sequence"
to the name. Note that this as a deliberate extension of the Maildir
protocol. :3 is not specified there, I will have to ask djb for permissions
to do that ;-)
- [not implemented ] The server notifies the client with a failure
message, if a duplicate secuence number is requested, further processing
is abandoned, the message is considered not posted and should be deleted
by the server.
- [optional] The Message ID is enriched with cryptographic hashes,
challenges, etc, involving the im2000-add-secuence message, it's senders
identity, secrets, etc. Also a message body may be generated. It may
be necesary to include credentials of the server, to autentify itself
to the client.
- The server composes a Reply Mail with the Message ID in the subject
| MESSAGEID=$(/usr/local/bin/safecat tmp mail) \
; MAILDIR=$(/usr/local/bin/822field < mail/$MESSAGEID) \
; MESSAGEID=$(/usr/local/bin/safecat $MAILDIR/tmp $MAILDIR/cur \
< mail/$MESSAGEID) \
; echo | mail -s `"$MESSAGEID:3,$EXT2`" $SENDER
# 1) tmda processing
# not done
# 2) Check if there is space
# not done
# 3a) save the message
# | MESSAGEID=$(/usr/local/bin/safecat tmp mail) \
# 3b) extract message thread id
# ; MAILDIR=$(/usr/local/bin/822field) < mail/$MESSAGEID) \
# 3c) and spool the message
# ; MESSAGEID=$(/usr/local/bin/safecat $MAILDIR/tmp $MAILDIR/cur \
< mail/$MESSAGEID) \
# 4) store the message with it's corresponding sequence number
# 6) add cryptography and autentication
# not done
# 7) acknoledge storage of the message
# ; echo | mail -s `"$MESSAGEID:3,$EXT2`" $SENDER
- I would rather prefer to reply to client-secuence@host, but have not
taken the challenge to find out how to rewrite the address easily.
- Return-Path doubts from im2000-nt apply here too.
- also the the CLIENTEXT from im2000-nt applies.
- im2000-eb
- or
- .qmail-eb
- implement the
- end_block
- function
The client sends a message, containing the Message Thread ID in the
subject to the server, to indicate that it is done (for now) with
adding messages. This signals to the server, that it should initiate
notification of the recipients specified in all the messages posted
to this thread.
It's out of scope of this implementation to decide if the server should
bundle notifications of multiple messages, message threads and even
message threads from diferent posters to a Recipient Identifier. The
server may even pre-notify about any message (parts) yet posted, without
waiting for the End Block signalisation.
For demonstration and testing purposes we construct a notify message
to the poster, which shows all messages of the thread.
| THREAD=$(/usr/local/bin/822field) ; \
for i in $THREAD/cur/*; do \
/usr/local/bin/822header < `"$i`" ; \
done \
| mail -s `"im2000 thread: $THREAD`" $SENDER
- Could Gateways to traditional Email render Spam reduction mecanisms
of im2000 useless, or take advantge of it by using a more reliable
delivery mecanism?
- It seems natural, to do notification with "maildirserial thread-id
" notify" where "notify" are different maildirserial clients.
An instant notifying client which runs with im2000-eb, a periodic
notifier which runs with cron and redoes notifying when a message
has not been colected, a expirer which checks expiring dates, etc.