Baby Router Generator
Sorry - my emacs-wiki markup is broken right now.:Go to the (ugly) parsewiki substitutes: brg.html and NMS.html or read them plain text: brg and NMS.
The brg script is here::
Route configuration with ifupdown
Debian Linux uses the ifup/ifdown scripts to configure network interfaces, which allow to run commands when bringing up or down an interface, using the up and down directives in the configuration, see intefaces(5).When using the computer as router, lots of up commands are needed to set up the additional routes and interfaces(5) grows rapidly, worse when using iproute2.
The method presented here factor out route configuration to another subsystem.
- rtconfig
is to be placed in the executable path. it is used in the
interfaces(5) file in each iface-stanza in this
... up rtconfig down rtconfig
makes use of the environment variables MODE and IFACE. It sources the following file: - /etc/network/routes Read the Documentation: section in this example file.
- bogons is an add-on to the route subsystem, which contains bogon route prefixes, and computes prohibit routes for them. The file contains instructions how to get the bogon routes from, the script depends on the filenames and format used by Team Cymru.