Aolserver is a power- and featureful webserver.

Magma Soft has developed a configuration managment for Aolserver, which allows almost-no-effort configuration of multiple virtual domains, by just editing one configuration file: domains.cfg.

The same configuration file is used by the startup script run of the server, to pre-bind to the respective ports and addresses.

Standard SSL, CGI, LDAP and database configuration for nsopenssl nsldap and nspostgres is provided too.

WebDAV support has been added, as well as a new aproach to permission handling for Basic-Authentication via nsperm.

Each virtual server can be configured completely externally, and/or the SSL, CGI, and database configuration can selectively be sourced in from external files.

Minimal configuration example:

  server "Magma Soft" {
     http   yes

Go to the MagmaSoft Wiki for News about aolconf.


We are trying to follow the FHS - Filesystem Hierarchy Standard - If not otherwise specified the files go into /usr/lib/aolserver4, or a similar directory, where your aolserver libraries live (see a discussión on directories later).
configure the virtual domains in this file. The provided example includes anotations documenting all available options. This file has to be installed in /etc/aolserver4 unless you change run and main.tcl acordingly.
Supervise runscript.
System V like runscript. This has to be installed in /etc/init.d or the respective place for your operating system, and linked to from the /etc/rc*.d directories. Note: you should only run the Supervise runscript or this script to start Aolserver, but not both at the same time.
main.tcl: this is the main configuration script, which is sourced in by the server. It loads first domains.cfg than the other configuration files on demand and finally configures main parameters of the server.
Handles the individual server configuration. It sources on demand the SSL, CGI, and Database specific scripts an configures the LDAP-Pools for the server. This file can be overridden by the config directive in domains.cfg.

You can include aditional configuration for CGI Script by putting a file named server.cgi in the configuration directory, or by specifying one with the config_cgi directive in domains.cfg.
See for an example.

Provides a standard SSL configuration. You have to put the key, cert and ca files in the following location to make it work by default:
  • keyfile.pem: /etc/aolserver4/certs/server.key
  • certfile.pem: /etc/aolserver4/certs/server.crt
  • ca.pem: /etc/aolserver4/certs/
You can override the ssl.tcl file with the config_ssl directive in domains.cfg.
When a database directive is present in a server definition in domains.cfg this file is loaded. It configures three database pools as needed by OpenACS.

This can be overriden with the config_db directive in domains.cfg.

This file is sourced when a dav_share directive is present in a server definition in domains.cfg. It requires a list of options to be followed, please read the example file.

You can specify several dav_shares in one server.

To make DAV access work, you also need to install our own version of:

the tDAV library. Put it into ${serverhome}/modules/tcl or into the tcllib of the respective virtual server.
Please note that this must be installed instead of the tDAV.tcl library provided by the CVS version of Aolserver.
This is a new styled initialization script for the nsperm module. nsperm provides HTTP/1.0 Basic Authentication for the tDAV module.
You can live however without nsperm_init.tcl, and configure the permissions the standard way by putting the files passwd, groups, hosts.allow and hosts.deny into the directory ${serverhome}/servers/${server}/modules/nsperm.

If you want to make use of nsperm_init.tcl you can configure the permissiones in one single file in the directory /etc/aolserver4/perms/${server}.tcl.
To make it work, you just copy nsperm_init.tcl over the file ${serverhome}/modules/tcl/nsperm/init.tcl. One benefit of nsperm_init.tcl is that after initialization of Aolserver, no file is read in, so you can chroot to your pageroot but have the permission files outside of it.

is an example permissions files for the new permissions configuration approach. You can put it into /etc/aolserver4/perms and create for each server you use the perms module a symlink with the name of the server.
example_perms.tcl provides exactly the same users, groups and passwords as the sample files from the original Aolserver perms module. The tdav.tcl module gives the nsadmin user permissons to access all DAV shares, and denies access to everyone else.
This file should be copied to /usr/local/sbin/ to enable php cgi scripts without a php module.
All the files packed together. Untar and run make install


The domains.cfg file is rather extensively anotated. This is the primary source of information not counting the source code.

The setup has been developed and tested on Debian, and deals with the aolserver4 packages provided there. The supervise commands are installed from Gerrit Papes excellent packages. You can either install the unofficial daemontools package, or use the official runit package which is Gerrits GPL'ed drop in replacement.

CGI-Handling and PHP
Debian install CGI's in /usr/lib/cgi-bin and maps them to the url /cgi-bin, this behaviour is reproduced.

Since lot's of legacy utilities are available in PHP, but there is no php-module for aolserver4 in Debian, a Interps section and a wrapper script is provided. With these you can put .php files in any directory map´ed to the nscgi module and they just should work.
aolserver-php4-cgi-wrapper has to be installed under this same name in /usr/local/sbin.

Same has been done for Perl and .pl extensions, however this one needs no wrapper.

Please refer also to our Wiki, which you can find in the /services section of our website. Under "TipsAnd..." You can find setup instructions for Aolserver and OpenACS under the Gnu/Debian Operating System.
